Saturday, August 25, 2012

Cleaning effectively with Eco-friendly products

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products have not always had everyones confidence as they have been seen to be low-performing. Good news there are some excellent products emerging out there that have more to offer than mere marketing with eco-feel good campaigns.
"Proklenr" is one such brand. With highly effective products that specialize in cleaning specific surfaces such as tile and grout cleaner which is designed specifically to loosen soil and mold around tile and grout surfaces.
Natural Stone Cleaner which has been specially customized to clean stone surfaces with out affecting the PH level of he stone -there are a great deal of acid or amino based cleaners that can stain or etch stone surfaces.
Concrete and Masonry surfaces can be among the hardest to clean of all surfaces due to the high porosity and rough textures - Concrete and Masonry Cleaner has been formulated to lift soils out of the pores of the concrete and actively clean up common problems with Concrete.
The brand is also working on other specialist cleaning products to be added into the range in the near future.

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