Monday, August 13, 2012

Grout Re-Coloring & Sealing Restoration

Grout Re-Coloring & Sealing Restoration ( Re-colouring ) is a service that re-colors grout lines. Grout is porous, which means it is susceptible to absorb liquids and soils. Grout  Recoloring and Sealing changes the state of grout from Porous to non-porous grout, this is done as the grout re-colouring pigment is applied to the prepared grout lines in a tiled area, it also acts as a sealer to the grout surface.

The resulted finish is the grout will have a consistent color across the whole area, it will remain dry in appearance and will act in a waterproofed manner.
The Grout once treated will be far easier to clean and maintain, and will also have a far higher level of presentation and does not look like a painted or plastic surface.

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